Dog Walking Long Beach NY by Maureen Keene

Dog Walking Long Beach NY by Maureen Keene

Having your dog walked by a professional dog walker who is also a trainer, like Maureen Keene, offers numerous benefits. A professional has the knowledge to reinforce good behavior and manage any challenges that may arise during the walk. Trained professionals are adept at handling dogs of all sizes and temperaments and can provide your dog with a walk that is safe, controlled, and beneficial for their socialization skills.

Professional Dog Walker in Long Beach NY and the Local Area

Your four-legged friends are more than just pets; they are your beloved family members. That’s why professional dog walker and trainer Maureen Keene offers personalized dog walking services tailored to meet the unique needs of your canine companion. At KeeneKanine, we believe in the power of regular exercise to ensure your dog leads a happy, healthy, and balanced life.

The Importance of Regular Exercise for Dogs

Just like humans, dogs require regular physical activity to maintain their health and vitality. Exercise is crucial for managing weight, stimulating the mind, and maintaining the proper functioning of their musculoskeletal system. It also plays a significant role in behavior management; a well-exercised dog is often a well-behaved dog. The joy a dog exhibits when frolicking outdoors is not merely a burst of energy; it’s an expression of their natural instincts and a fulfillment of their essential physical and mental needs.

But not all walks are created equal. Every dog breed has its own set of exercise requirements. Canines like the energetic Australian Shepherd, the lively Jack Russell Terrier, and the powerful Siberian Husky have high exercise demands and thrive on extended periods of vigorous activity. Conversely, breeds such as Bulldogs, Pugs, and Basset Hounds often maintain a more relaxed pace, though they still benefit greatly from regular, gentle walks.

At KeeneKanine, Maureen Keene specializes in understanding these breed-specific needs. You can rest assured that your Dalmatian will get the sprinting time it craves while your Shih Tzu enjoys a pleasant stroll, sniffing around at a leisurely pace.

Couch Potato Dog that needs exercise Professional Dog Walker in Long Beach NY and the Local Area

When Dogs Don't Enough Exercise

Neglecting a dog's exercise needs can lead to a host of problems, both physical and psychological. Lack of exercise can result in obesity, which is associated with several health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems. Furthermore, without an outlet for their energy, dogs may develop destructive behaviors as a form of self-stimulation, leading to chewed furniture, incessant barking, and even aggression.

Behavioral issues are often a cry for help from dogs who need more exercise. This is where KeeneKanine steps in – to give your dog the activity it needs, for a healthy body and a peaceful home.

Benefits of a Professional Dog Walker Who is Also a Trainer

Having your dog walked by a professional dog walker who is also a trainer, like Maureen Keene, offers numerous benefits. A professional has the knowledge to reinforce good behavior and manage any challenges that may arise during the walk. Trained professionals are adept at handling dogs of all sizes and temperaments and can provide your dog with a walk that is safe, controlled, and beneficial for their socialization skills.

Maureen utilizes her expertise to ensure that each walk is an educational experience for your canine. Her walks are not just a physical exercise but a session that enhances your dog's ability to listen, learn, and develop good manners. This means positive reinforcement techniques are integrated to encourage your dog's good behavior, and any signs of behavioral issues can be addressed promptly and effectively.

Choosing Maureen Keene

As a resident and dog-lover of Long Beach NY, Maureen Keene understands the quintessence of personal touch, she takes time to know your dog's personality, likes, dislikes, fears, and favorite activities. This allows her to offer a dog walking experience that is as rewarding as it is fun, ensuring every dog returns home satisfied and serene.

By choosing Maureen as your regular dog walker, you not only ensure your beloved companion maintains optimum physical health, but you also contribute to their emotional and behavioral well-being. A dog that is walked regularly is a dog that feels loved, connected, and content.

Contact Maureen for More Information About Dog Walks
Contact Maureen for More Information About Dog Walks

With today's busy schedules, helping your dog to engage in regular exercise can be a challenge, but it's a necessity for your dog's overall well-being. Maureen Keene is the perfect solution with professional dog walking services that cater not just to the physical needs of your pet but also support their mental and emotional health. Maureen ensures that your cherished pet is in the safest and most knowledgeable hands, promising peace of mind for you and a joyful heart for your dog.

Discover a world of difference with Maureen, where every walk is a step towards a happier, healthier canine friend. Contact her to learn more about our services and how she can transform your dog's daily routine into an adventure that nurtures their body and spirit. 

Please contact us today!

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